Sex: | Female | Weight: | 50 kg. |
I`m: | Single | height: | 168 cm. |
years old: | 32 years / 07 February, 1992 | smoke: | smoke 3 |
Sign: | Aquarius | Drink: | drink 3 |
Town: | Ловеч | Occupation: | Student |
eyes: | Brown | Education: | Basic |
Hair: | Black | Last online: | 2011, 30 month 1, 14:05 |
views: | 2 |
I`m looking for: | --- | ||
years old: | --- | ||
Town: | --- | ||
height: | --- | ||
Sign: | --- | ||
Weight: | --- | ||
I`m here for: | Chat, meetings meeting_for_waste_time |
TV/Movies: | Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Friends |
Music: | POP & RNB, Jazz |